Get the best of PinSound for your Data East pinball machine!
Everything needed is included in this pack: PLUS sound board, shaker kit, powerful new speakers, headphones connectivity, ...
Bring your machine to the next audio and gameplay level!
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This Ultimate PinSound pack contains:
This pack is compatible with the following pinball machines:
* : The following machines have been manufactured by SEGA but are running with the same hardware as DATA-EAST machines:
Well, what can I say?!
I went ahead and ordered the ultimate star wars pack.
I must admit, prior to ordering I thought it was going to be a right pain to install it all.
How wrong I was.
The instructions that come with each item have been put together to make installation simple and straightforward.
You couldn't ask for it to be any easier. PERFECT!
It made the whole process worry free.
This is amazing. The whole setup on my Hook machine has changed the game for the better by an untold amount. Would recommend anyone to do the same. The sound quality and also the original sound files were robotic and clunky but the custom sound by the pinsound team has brought it to life
Thanks guys