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How to install a RocketCPU WPC-89-S board?

RocketCPU WPC-89-S installation manual

Popular guides


Multipass Blinking

  • 2 white blinks → WPC-89 detected
  • 4 white blinks → WPC-S or WPC-95 detected
  • 6 white blinks → Security code doesn’t match
  • 8 white blinks → Security code can’t be read
WPC Status LED

Situated at the top left of the board, normally running board must show:
  • D19 Blanking: Off
  • D20 Running: Blinking green
  • D21 Power: Green

  • D20 blinks 1 time: problem with the CPU ROM
  • D20 blinks 2 times: problem with the CPU RAM
  • D20 blinks 3 times: problem with the ASIC or Security Chip

To get more information about WPC LED status, check out the detailed Pinwiki LEDs page

No More Reset Status LED

  • 5V in  : the original 5V is present
  • 12V in  : the original 12V is present
  • 5V CPU  : the guaranteed 5V provided by the No More Reset is working correctly
You can buy a 100% compatible NVRAM on our webshop: NoVaRAM NVRAM

Once installed, make sure to set the SW8 switch to “On”.
If you remove your NVRAM, put the SW8 switch to “Off”.

Absent OFF
Installed ON

The settings are the same as the original CPU board W15 / W16 / W17 / W18.

Here is a helpful table to select your country:


The settings are the same as the original CPU board W1 / W2 / W3 / W4 / W5 / W6 / W7 / W8 (you can refer to the original WPC CPU manual for information).

As a helpful reminder, here are the default jumper settings:

On Twilight Zone, if you get the display error “Country Code must be specificed using jumpers W15-W18”, configure your country switches to AMERICA2

If you have an early WPC game (like Harley Davidson) with a small ROM size (512K/1M), you have to follow the W1 / W2 switch settings.
Rom size W1 W2
512K/1M OFF ON

Switch matrix diagnostic quick guide

  •  No switch detected at all
    – Verify J206 to J209 connections.
    – Verify alignment of J206 and J207 for WPC89.
    – Confirm the absence of corrosion in the connectors.
  • Complete rows or columns in the matrix stay on or off
    – Check for short between the switch matrix and other voltages in the machine, keep in mind a short will damage U20.
  • If after removing U20 all switches are opened, this component must be replaced.

RTC: Real Time Clock is a clock to keep time and date running even when the machine is off. A battery is mandatory to keep time running.

Battery: By default, a battery is needed to keep settings and time on CPU boards.

NoVaRAM: Having a Non Volatile RAM keeps your settings and high score stored forever, even without backup battery (CR2032 or external battery).

Battery + NoVaRAM at the same time:

Having both the NoVaRAM and the battery installed is actually the best arrangement.

With NoVaRAM on board, your settings are preserved under any circumstances. Meanwhile, the battery ensures that the machine’s real-time clock (RTC) keeps ticking, so you won’t lose your date and time settings.

RocketCPU WPC-89-S

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