Sound Pack Information

What help do you need?

How to load a sound pack on a flash drive?

How to customize a PinSound sound pack?

Note: This section is optional and is intended to help you customize sound packs that are already functioning. Following this tutorial is not necessary to use a sound pack in your pinball machine.



Frequently asked questions

You can replace any existing audio files by your own.

Make sure to use audio WAV or OGG files.

Before plugging the USB flash drive back in your machine, make sure to delete the “.cache” file  at the root of the flash drive. During the next startup, the sound board will rebuild the new files index.

Verify your new audio files: they must be in WAV or OGG format. Other formats, such as MP3, are not supported and will not be played by your PLUS or NEO soundboard.

After modifying audio files, make sure to delete the file “.cache” at the root of the flash drive. During the next startup, the sound board will rebuild the new files index.

Copy the downloaded PSPACK file (PinSound Sound Pack) at the root of the flash drive.

At the next boot, the sound board will install everything automatically (you’ll hear some notification about the running process).

The following information are only useful if you want to create your own sound package.

Files on Flash drive

Sound packs on the flash drive have to respect a specific structure and format. 



Any PinSound sound pack must be organized with the following folder structure:

Screenshot from 2014-10-13 09:23:07

  • The sound pack’s folder must be placed at the root of the USB Flash Drive
  • Multiple sound packs can be present on the same USB Flash Drive
  • First folder’s name is not important, only sub folders are
  • Every mix must have the following folders: music, jingle, sfx, single, voice (case and typo are important)

Mix structure

Screenshot from 2014-06-24 22:51:19

  • Each sound’s sub-folder must be prefixed by the instruction number
    • from 000000 to 900000, in decimal, followed by a dash “
  • Each instruction number must be unique (even between folders)
  • The name after this prefix is not important and is only relevant for identification and later modification (so, for example, you could use “000012-engine_starting_loud” or “000012-whatever
  • Any compatible sound file placed in the instruction sub-folder will be played

Screenshot from 2014-06-24 22:56:56

  • If there is more than one file in a sub-folder, one of them will be selected at random and played
  • File type must be WAV, mono or stereo, 8bits or 16bits

Sub-folders sound type

“voice” folder

In this folder, voices or callout are stored.

Multiple voices can be played simultaneously (depending of the machine)

Voices are played over music and sfx

  • Hey, it’s only pinball
  • You unlock this door with the key of imagination
  • Welcome race friends to Banzai Run

“sfx” folder

This folder for SFX is where are stored are very short sounds.

Multiple SFX can be played simultaneously, over music and voices.

  • Door closing
  • Explosion 1
  • Million target

“music” folder

Music files are looped and played continuously until stopped by the CPU or by a single.

  • Mission slot machine
  • Main theme lock lit
  • Multiball 2 balls

“jingle” folder

Jingles are short music clips which are played once while the music that was previously playing is paused. This music is resumed once the jingle has been played.

  • Mansion start mission
  • Piano start mission
  • Extra ball theme

“single” folder

Same as jingle, but the music is stopped and don’t resume as the jingle does.

  • Bonus count
  • Extra bonus checkout