PinSound: 2023 Year in Review

As we reflect on the past year, it’s clear that 2023 has been a year of significant growth, innovation, and celebration for PinSound. Here are some of our key highlights:

  • 10th Anniversary: We celebrated a decade of innovation in the pinball industry with a Great Anniversary Game.
  • Event Participation: We met you at the Texas Pinball Festival, the Pinball Expo, the Bourgogne Game Show, the Flip Expo, Sorgues’ “Salon du Flipper”…
  • New Product Announcement – RocketCPU WPC-89-S: We launched a new RocketCPU compatible with Bally Williams WPC Security pinball machines.
  • Collaboration with Pedretti Gaming: Pedretti Gaming released the Whirlwind 2.0 kit powered by the XL board.
  • PinSound Multiballs: Declared the “best pinballs”.
  • Motion Control Shaker Kit – Standalone Version: We released a standalone shaker version that doesn’t require the PLUS or NEO sound board.
  • Super Skill Shot Shooters: We introduced a new line of precision shooter rods.
  • Jackpot Records Vinyls: We began offering vinyl records featuring classic pinball music.
  • New Sound Packs: Numerous innovative sound packs for pinball machines were created by our community.

As we bid farewell to a remarkable year, we extend our heartfelt thanks to all our customers, partners, and the pinball community for your continued support. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year filled with joy, success, and lots of pinball fun!